In June 2013, Mrs Marie-Soleil Phaneuf acquires the funeral home formerly called J.M. Loiselle.

It is with empathy and openness of mind that Mrs Phaneuf young passionate, thanatologue of experience a graduate of the College of Rosemont in Thanatologie and Director of funeral, welcomes you in her funeral home and accompanies you thru every detail in these difficult moments.

Her experience and professionalism will guide you in the planning of the funeral and the achievement of the last wills of the Beloved, helping to ease your mind thru the steps of the mourning.



In 2020, the Résidence funéraire Marie-Soleil Phaneuf adhered to the Distinction quality certification. A program that aims to implement and strengthen best practices in the funeral industry. Funeral businesses that obtain Distinction certification among those that enhance their business practices and provide the best professional services.

“ We would like to acknowledge the professionalism of Mrs. Phaneuf, during the death of our father Alcide Riendeau in June 2016. From the moment we contacted her and until the end, we were in confidence.
So never hesitate, she is the best and she has a beautiful hats. Thank you Thank you Thank you ! ”

Linda Riendeau

June 26, 2016

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