It is with regret and sadness that we announce the death of Nathalie Parent, on August 22, 2021, at the age of 53 years. She was the daughter of Michèle Pépin and the late Arthur Parent.
Besides her mother, she is survived by her sister Danielle (Michel Lefort), her goddaughter Alexandrine (Duret Jean-Louis) as well as other relatives and friends.
La famille recevra les condoléances, en l’église Saint-Joachim de Châteauguay, le samedi 11 septembre à compter de 11 h, suivies des funérailles à 12 h, sous la direction de la :
Résidence funéraire Marie-Soleil Phaneuf
450 427-2332
Instead of flowers, your expressions of sympathy can be expressed by a donation to La maison sous les arbres (https://www.la-msla.com/fr/don-centre-de-crise-msla or forms available during condolences).